Saturday, December 19, 2020

Blog post: Dec.19

 This here is an ode to my beautiful town (yeah right) Girard Kansas;

 I just love to look at all the beautiful homes that are in Girard, (not really)... All the lawns are kept so neat and tidy (right)... Except for the 'Courthouse' the 'Courthouse' and the yard around it, is always kept either mowed every week, or mowed to keep the leaves off the yard... (now getting back to my, 'Ode To Girard Ks.') All the people here are just so nice and warm and friendly (🤔🤔🤔)... The neighbors on my right side (or left depending on how you're standing) have a nice big, round, abuve ground pool, which I think from May to Aug. they only used twice,  and....... well......... it's just one big round ice cube now, yes it's still standing with water!. Last yr. they took it down, but they basically just left the pool laying laying on the side from  Oct. io May (imitating a big blue pancake).... I'm sorry, I keep getting of track... Were was I...Oh yeah!...Nice, 'n' warm 'n' friendly (yada yada) I really like how people here ask you, "Hey, were ya off too"?. or, "When you gonna be back"?. err someth'n like that, I get more acnoloment, from all the dog's in the area!. They see me leave, "Ruff Ruff"!. They see me come back, "Ruff Ruff", for all I know,they could be, welcoming me back, or maybe, "Hey, how long you gonna be"?. It could be anything, but whatever it is it's directed at me, I see them and they see me!..... (oh maybe, "Hey we missed you while you were away") You think what you want and I'll think what I want!.. Well, like Ozzy said, "I think I'm going off the rails" and I think I went off  the rails here a few times!. I started a poem and finished with.............something else!.

                                                      I hope you enjoyed............whatever this was!.  😃😄

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blog post: Nov. 14th

 Well, Halloween came and went and just yesterday was, 'Friday the 13th,' which is kind of like a holiday in it's own right, I guess maybe it could  be a, 'Day' like we have, National Doughnut Day' and 'National Hotdog Day' there's even a, 'National Happiness Day' so why couldn't we have a, 'National Friday the 13th Day' it could even be a ratings booster for that know, that movie!?. Well, just a few more days and it'll be, 'Turkey Day'!......... (There's another, 'Day') 

I may be moving back east,northeast this time, New York!. I like Fla. know people there, just that it's not exactly my thing!. I like 4 seasons (where Fla. just has 2 summers and a fall) in the fall, I'd rather jump into a pile of leaves (not a pile of palm fronds) I don't exactly like to wear shorts all yr. round!. When I moved out here in Kansas a little over a yr. ago I liked it, being on my own, my own independence........ehh....A little over a yr. later though, not so much... Just not my area anymore, so I guess now I'm looking forward to living in N.Y. !.... 

I went to Wallyworld last Wed. got a little 24" tree!. It has those little bendy branches on it and I got 1 big Christmas ball, and I never did  bend the branches to make it look like an actual Xmas tree, so now I just call it my Charlie Brown Tree!.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Blog post: Oct. 13

 Well it's almost Halloween, (about 16 more days) I will be going as the, 'Invisible Man' cause I'm not going!. This has been a really crazy year, so I honestly don't know if many kids will be out.. I'm not very big with Halloween, atleast the part where strangers come up to the door, do not get me wrong, I still plan to buy candy/Little Debbies..................just....................for me!.. I'm not big on decorating, I did get one of those, 'solar activated' Snoopy at Xmas time when I moved here back in June of 2019.. I did get myself some Xmas lights to put up on the front (well back) of the house!. A few weeks back I  was at my local market getting a few things and I saw this box of Little Debbie brownies, had a nice Halloween picture on the box, ate the brownies but using the box as Halloween decoration 😊😋😊 !. Well, I suppose I could use the, 'Jason Voorhees' (Friday The 13th) mask I bought!.

  I had a Dr. app. yesterday, so the night before I set my alarm for 8:30 (my ride picked me up at 10:45 and my app. was 11:20) and I use this, 'Online Alarm Clock' (  and there you got not only a clock but you have countdown/or the alarm which can be changed to......whatever (mine's a rooster)!. Now, my ears are alittle on the sensitive side, so that rooster on my alarm, well my ears are pretty sensitive especially in the morning, and well, I forgot to turn the volume down on my laptop the night before......and 8:30am came.......and that damn bird sounded as if he were right  next to me, can't really remember much after I hit my head on the ceiling!!..😠😖😕 (I found a 'confused emoji' but no 'dazed' I was gonna put 'dazed and confused' that's what they need here a, 'Dazed and Confused emoji) I'll tell you what though, I never got out of that chair faster!!..

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Blog post: Aug.25

 I would like to tell you some things about who I am and my life.. I have a Son for starters, (sorta made me do a 'double take') then she said, "she adopted him", oh ok, now this kinda makes a little bit more sense!. Anyway, the last time I seen him he was 5 and now he would be 25.. (I suppose I kinda forgot about her adopting, with me being who I am and all 😋😁)  I don't exactly know how he would take having a, let's just say, 'A Special Dad' for a Father!.. I met her in 1990 and I'm not gonna lie, when I first met her and introduced myself, she seemed very opened minded, free thinker, really easy to talk to!.. So I just kinda decided to tell her a few things about myself, like what kind of bed I have, how I'm a 'Nightowl' (oh in case you're wondering we decided to have a little late night picnic in the park under a full moon) as I was saying, what kind of bed and how I like to stay up late, and after a little while of looking at me like I had lobsters coming out of my ears, much to my surprise she didn't run for the hills which is kind of what I was expecting!.. Now, being all these years later, we were talking about things happening now, one of those things was how our Son is gonna take the news.. Veronica and I knew why we had to part ways but we didn't know if our Son William knew, cause if I left when he was like 10 or 11 then he would've started getting some idea, like, "Why his eyes change color like that"or "Why his skin so pale" or "Come to think of it,I never really seen him actually eat any food".. So we all sat down at the table and the first he did was pull out a pic. of me (yes despite movies and Hollywood we can have pics. taken) he looked at me, well, like his Mom looked at me with the lobsters coming out of my ears!. He said, "You still look the same, how is that"!?. (ya'll getting some kind of idea now!?) First thing I said to him was when I was born: 1431 and ever since that moment, it was just nonstop talk, mostly from him, he had so many questions, I took him down in the basement showed him my coffin, among other stuff like how my eyes can change colors, ask his Mom if she was a (I'm sure you've all guessed it by now) Vampire, she said, "No" asked if he was one, again, "No"! Ever since that moment that I mentioned, I was born in 1431, I expected him to, 'run for the hills' but nope and I thought, "Sure enough he is his Mom's Son!.

                                                                            I hope everyone liked my short story....

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Blog post: August 4

I went camping for a few days!. Left Sunday about 11-ish and stayed till...... well......just a few hrs. ago.. It was nice,much better than the last few times I stayed there!. For starters, there were people down where I kinda wanted to be, so the cab  driver took me to a place he thought I'd like so I said, "ok".. It was a nice spot, big parking area, boat ramp, but about 3 or 4 fire pits so I just set my tent up there, I didn't mind the people that came and stayed for half hr. fishing or just sat down there.. That first day there must've been maybe 15-20 people that came down, some just came down turned around and went back out.. One person came down stopped, got out and we talked for about 20 min. maybe half 'n' hr.. The first night didn't go to well, I mean the back really didn't hurt as much as it did on the previous trips.. (but when I did wake-up it was kinda sore) The ground was kinda hard, getting the tent stakes in, most were just left sticking half out!. I was so excited about going camping this time, that I forgot reading/listening material !. For lunch and supper I'd call a taxi and go to the drive-thru at McDonalds and get a burger (I was gonna make hot dogs and hamburgers but I figured, "Nah, I'll just have hamburgers"😋) The second night I was there was better than the first night, some people came in, had a kayak and some fishing poles, a woman and her 4 kids (about 5 I guess) made a fire in the pit by the ramp then about 7 I seen'm putting up a tent, I thought, Hey, I got neighbors"!. The mosquitos were nill (do to the coolish nights) the raccoons were a different story!. That first night anyway, saw 3 pretty good size ones!. Second night saw a few deer crossing the road, so all in all I had a pretty good camp out!. (and I actually stayed)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Biog post: July 26

97 degrees, no good heavy rainfall in months, maybe just a half a puddles worth, been stuck in the frikken house for.....ohhhh,  a few days I guess!.. There's been a few mornings I've gotten up at 6 ish, and I'd walk up the store maybe around 10, when it's still (Somewhat) comfy out!. (Oh joy, it just went from 97 to 96!.) I'm not staying in intentionally, it's just too hot to go anywhere!. It looks like maybe there's a Birthday or som'n goin on next door, everybody's walk'n around with those little pointed hats on eating cake, looks like they're gettin ready to go to the lake to !. (WHOHOOOOoooooo)........... That was about 4:20 when they left and now it's 6:45 and they just got back so either they went to the lake or maybe someone's house!.. It  looks as though they're having a little get together, they are all sitting in their screen room, I guess a 10x15 surrounded by mosquito net.. Looks like they is all having a good time!. (that's all right, I have pizza 😋😜🍕 ) Weatherman said it was gonna be a somewhat more comfortable week this week, maybe I'll get out and do some walking!.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Blog post: July 17

Masks, you see more and more people wearing them these days!. Let's stop and think on this here for......well.....I was going to say a minute but I have a feeling it may take a little longer!. A person could get up at 6 get dressed and just before they head out the door, put on a mask, wear-it as they walk down the walkway to the car or wear-it into the garage, and then once you're in the car, take it off and either hang it on the rearview mirror or throw it on the seat alongside of you or on the dash.. Not realizing this whole time your were driving with the air on or just driving with all the windows open.. So all the little tiny microscopic dust particles (May) have decided to attach them little selves to the cloth, and so when you do stop, you grab your mask from the mirror or the seat or the dash and you put it on, and you're breathing in all that stuff...... If you want to wear the mask, go right ahead.. If you want to cough or sneeze in your elbow,go right ahead, but you are still walking with your arms at your side.. (so wear the mask the life you save could be someone else's!.)........but at what cost!?.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Blog post: July 11

Temp. 98, 10% chance of rain, everything's dry as a bone (even the puddles are bone dry) However it's a cool 77 / 78 in the house!. The day before yesterday, Thursday morning at I guess around 5-ish, we must've had winds of 50-60 mph (Bovines/Heffers) even got some rain out of it with some thunder & lightning.. I was woken up, but not enough to actually get up!. It didn't last long though, and afterwhile I went back to sleep again!. I was surprised, when I woke up again about 9:30, there were no limbs down not really any damage of any kind, it did fill the puddles up (well half full anyway)....................Sun. July 12.. Woke up to blue skies today, our little drought continues.. Don't really know if we're TECHnically under a drought, but all you have to do is look around, look at all the brown grass, all the dried up puddles and especially, the no rain since March/April, once in a while we'd have a stray shower or thunderstorm maybe some gusty wind.. Watching the neighbors do alittle mowing and weed eating alittle while ago!. I was noticing him weed eating the dog cage (like a 10x10 chain link) and wondering, "He should just mow what he can, try to get as close to the cage then if he has to go weed eat".. Eh...Oh well !. Anyway, they all piled in the truck and went somewhere, looked like maybe the local lake/a pool.. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Blog post: June 29

Very breezy out today, small cats and dogs, think I seen a labradoodle fly by!. Temp. is probably about 95 now, it's probably been 89-90/s for the last month now!. We had a few nights in the last few weeks where it did get in the upper 50's low 60's for night time low's but the high's stayed in the upper 80's to 95.. Dry as a bone out there, haven't had a good solid rain since April !.. (I think that was our only tornado siren too) Went up to the store earlier, only I stopped alittle less than half way and went to the closer  market as it was in the 90's already.. However there was alotta houses on that street, so if I was to....... say, 'faint' I'm sure somebody would've  seen me, and helped me!.......... (maybe) Soo, I just went to the closer one!.,,,,,,,,,,,June 30, 9:30am, just went through a major hail storm, lot of wind with it, some leaves/branches came down, but I think that was about it!.. Had to do some shopping earlier, had to get some stuff for the freezer!..

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Blog post: June 18

It's been 1 yr. since I moved in!. My 1yr. ann. in this house.. Feeling's not the same as when I moved in but atleast I made it 1 yr. and I have a pretty good idea how people act here.. Love the history and how most of the locals celebrate every single day, take for instance MLK day or Presidents day or Flag day, there is like a thousand flags up all over the 'Square'!. I guess it's not so bad, it's just the further away you get from the, 'Courthouse' the worse things get, houses I suppose for the most part.. I've been working on this room in the house, I call it, 'The Medieval Room' it's sorta like a little museum I made for myself!.. Just watched, 'The Call of the Wild' on Amazon Prime, it stars Harrison Ford and a cgi dog named 'Buck', great movie!. Haven't had much rain here in the last month and a half, maybe a few little showers here 'n' there, all the ditches are pretty dry (not totally) but pretty dry, all the puddles are dried up though, just about the only thing with water in it is the little  fountain in-front of where ya go in and pay the water bill !.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Blog post: June 5

I started this post last night around 1:30ish!. (so bare with me) Woops see I already made a boo-boo, it's really this morning!. I might start talking about something that happened last night when in reality, it happened, night before last, err I could just be tired too !. (Hey it's 1:30) Maybe I should just wait till morning!. Woops see what I mean!?. Good Night!.....................Ok, it's 9:45 now!. Had a pretty bad night,guess I turned in around 2 or maybe alittle before and I was up at 3:45, the neighbors were having a little squabble, but didn't really know what to do or anything, cause as I said it was 3:45, I was kinda stumbling to get to the window, my eyes were blurry, but I'll say this, I didn't go back to sleep!. After about 4, they must've turned in for a bit cause I didn't see anything till about 7 or so when the guy's fiance (they're planning to get married later this month...........maybe) walked the dog around in the yard here, which I thought was kinda weird cause they're Son always did it (I liked her walking the dog but still kinda weird) !. Then She talked with her Father for alittle while, then they all went to prolly Grandma's house which is not weird, they do that every day.......she prolly takes them there and drops them off while she goes to work!.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blog post: May 24

Ok, I gotta say something here, I see people posting stuff about masks and I'm fine with it, then a few days later I may see the same people post the complete opposite!. People are not reading between the lines!. There is an old saying, "Live every day as though it was your last" I don't know about  anyone else but that's what I'm doing.. Now my state does not say that it's mandatory, (notice I said, "Mandatory")to wear a mask, some do some don't.. You go to a restaurant, it says on the door, "no shoes, no shirt, no service well you can wear shoes, shirt and get service or you don't have to  eat there!. You go play golf, they may want you to dress nice, or you don't have to play!. Some states are mandatory, you have to wear a mask, as I said before, "mine is not"!. You have to look out for numero uno (number 1) what ya gonna do, start worrying about everyone else, might as well put up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes!.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Blog post: May 22

Probably got to the mid. 80's today, pretty much clear all day, with an occasional lingering cloud.. Right now however, it is overcast and upper 60's and the light breeze that we had throughout the day has come to a standstill.. (hey sun's out!.) We had a good down pour this morning that began around 6 I guess till around 9ish, not much thunder 'n' lightning..
 Had to go up the store today and get some more stuff for the house, on my way back stop at Sonic and had a late lunch... (it was good) The taxi system that I take (err took) in to town has started back up again, they stopped and were only taking like Dr. opp. or hosp. So I went to Wallyworld on Tuesday, got a few things, among those was an air mattress and bat.powered pump, I'm gonna give it on more go, just haven't made a date yet... I was able to stop in at my fav. bistro, they remembered me!.
 Well, I must go now and see what's in the freezer, but then again I am kinda still filled up from Sonic maybe I'll watch a movie first, ehhhhhh idk......anyway, wish me luck!?!.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Blog post: May 12

53, cloudy, light breeze.. Today it's not so bad, yesterday however was cooler at 47, but today and yesterday are the last cool days for a while anyway, it's predicted to be warm for the next 25-30 days anyway, which is good because I turned off my heat on the 4th I believe, then it's predicted to be 74 tomorrow!. Had to go up a while ago and get some bread, which was really hard too because I was sittin here watching some videos/doing a little facebookin but I knew deep deep deep down that I really needed that bread, so I had to get that nice big blanket off me, and.......well......get bread !. That's ok, I wanted to anyway.... I can't really speak for anybody else here but when I start on my laptop, time just flies, I would start maybe right after lunch or somthin and here it'd be already 4 hrs. gone by!. I can stand being online 90 mins. let alone 4 hrs!.............................hmm, neighbors just went out again!.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Blog post: May 9

Had to go get some things from the market today, then on my way back I was gonna stop and pick-up my prescription, (not like I needed it, atleast not right away) on my way back, I was thinking about stopping at Sonic but I didn't, it was prolly about 68-69 but their was a slight breeze so just enough to make it cool (I had shorts on) so I had something when I got back!. After I ate something I put up my 'Magic Mesh' , I ordered it from Amazon last Sat. and it got here today.. Anyway I put it up this afternoon, I guess it works good I'll know better around June/July.. Little by little places have been opening back up, they might only stay open a few days a week though or maybe, if you go in you have to wear a mask.. (hey fine with me I'll just go in my closet and get my 'Freddy Krueger' mask!.)

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blog post: April 28

Had a nice four day weekend, well three anyway!. Neighbor took me camping Sat. then Sun. went got a room at the motel down the street, was gonna come back Mon. but decided to stay Mon. night  too, so yeah I suppose it was a four day weekend !. Glad I took my computer with me cause there was nothing on tv the whole time!. I did watch the movie, 'Constantine' while I was there, it was pretty good, don't believe I ever watched it before.....................Well, I started this blog on Tuesday, and here it is Thursday.. I had to go down to Dollar Gen. today, get myself some more shirts (I did) while I was there got some little snacks and bread, was gonna stop at the supermarket on the way back anyway!. Ya know, when it comes to me having to get groceries, I can either go to, 'Caseys' (the closest) but they cost the most.. The Supermarket, they don't cost as much, but alittle further and the Dollar Gen. the cheapest and the furthest, so you can see my dilemma here!. 😋😛😜😁 All three stores are however under a mile.. (Dollar Gen. is prolly just under a mile away) Beautiful day today here in Girard, blue from end to end, temp. in the upper 70's-80🌞🌞

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blog post: April 26

It's like 90% oficial now, I'm pretty sure my back does not like camping!. I went last Oct. the back did not let me sleep at all, and the same thing happened this time, but unlike last time when I went (it was nice and calm as I was setting up the tent) this time the wind was fierce!. (cows and chickens and goats) I thought I'd sleep good that night (I thought I heard an, evil laugh coming from right over my shoulder👿👿) boy, was I mistakin!. This morning I reserved myself a room down the road from the campground, and now everything hurts!. Don't get me wrong though, for what little time I did spend out there, I really enjoyed it, I mean putting up the tent in the wind, I won't lie, was kinda hard (it wasn't a breeze😋😜😁) so later that night, mr. back pain was the first to show-up, then eariy this morning, mr. leg pans then they all got together and decided to invite mr. headache to the party, (cause you know the wind and all)!. Now though here I am, in a nice room, gonna spened two nights, ordered me a pizza, Wallyworld is across the street, so when I go to bed tonight I'll prolly end-up sleeping 18 hrs. straight!...

Friday, April 24, 2020

Blog post: April 24

Well, yesterday was my Birthday, I celebrated it...... well.....I guess the way anyone would celebrate their Birthday alone. Woke up, watched some videos on youtube, did walk to Sonic and had some lunch, had a pizza delivered, was gonna get an  XL but they just had small and Large.. Talked to a few people, it was alright!. Sat. (tomorrow) I'll be going camping though, kinda hope it goes better than when I went last Oct!. I planned on staying for 2 nights (like this time) but after the first night I went down the street and got a room, which wasn't bad, (ended up stayin an extra night on top of that) but was kinda lookin forward to stayin that extra night in the tent.. This time though I'm gonna be alittle more preppaired !.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Blog post: April 8

Blue from end to end, 90 degrees, light north breeze.. I cut some Redbud stems the other day, stuck'm in the ground up by the house, wanted  to see if they would grow, started growing almost right away!. (they were like 2' long I  just poked'm in the ground) I believe  this could very well be a  chicken night (idk) could be a pesgehtii night, nahhhhh chicken, I also got Lasagna and Meat Sauce........OH,pizza!.. I kinda like the sound of Lasagna ehh idk, maybe I'll have breakfast for supper, kinda mix it up alittle!. (can ya tell I really don't have much to say?)

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Blog post: April 4

Overcast 40 degrees, no to light breeze, 10 to 20% chance of precip.. Today they call for 47 yesterday got to 37, actually, it got to 64 but that was just after midnight!. After today though they call for it to start warming again up into the 80's.. I can just see it now, people gonna  start saying, "Ughhh, it's too hot, I want this hot weather too be gone, I'm ready for the cold and the snow"!. I heard that a few times after I moved in, (err read stuff like that)  all I could think was, "Come over here, I wanna give you a good hardy neck massage"!......................Neighbors just got home, carrying a couple of pizzas and a few drinks, (good for them) a few nights ago I ordered a large pizza, had it delivered, (didn't eat it all, ofcourse) saved some for the next night...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Blog post: March 29

Sunny, clear, low to mid 70's lite breeze. Grass is getting greener, buds on the trees, and I hear people mowing off in the distance!. I have to start getting my camping gear ready!. I think I may have alittle trouble this yr. because of the situation but I'm still planning on doing my shopping, I just hope I don't have any trouble lining up rides, I just have to get afew little things from Wallyworld and Amazon!. The other day I walked down to the store in town here and I got a few little things, I had plenty of money with me, it's just I payed for my stuff with cash then I had to use the card, but before I could get the card out the lady behind me whipped out the $2 I needed, even though I said I had it she still insisted on paying me the $2, very nice of her!. Stopped said hey to a friend of mine on my way down there!. Occasionally I see people walking down the road, today, being such a beautiful day I seen a Mom playing with her baby on the front lawn, one kid ridding his bike in the park, enjoying himself, being a kid !. (even if he was alone)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blog post: March 25

Sunny, mid. 70's light breeze!. They have like 1000 kids next door, (6) it sure seems like 1000!... I went to Wallyworld yesterday, even though I go there once a week, I like to go to my fav. restaurant, but there counter was closed they just had the drive through open, and two other places I checked, I did have two get afew more things for the freezer.. I ordered afew more things from Amazon for my 'Medieval Room' even though I technically finished it, I found a bare spot on the wall, so......well.....I had to get something to cover it up, in this case I had to get 2 things!. It sure was a beautiful day out today, walked to the store today, got some stuff for the cupboard, stopped had a late lunch!. (was good)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blog post: March 19

Today, breezy, (some kittens) 70, pt. cloudy.. Rained pretty heavy last night, some thunder 'n' lightning but nothing in the way of any real big damage.. Walk down to the store this morning, got some 'tp' not that I needed any right away, I could have waited afew more weeks,it's just I wanted to get some before they were gone!. Let me just say,  last night when I got back from the store I called, thinking that maybe I could like 'reserve' or maybe put a package on, 'layaway' (if you will) but the lady said, "No, but the truck comes around 9:30" so I managed to leave this morning at 9:20 got there around 9:40-ish, you know there was only like maybe 15 or 20 of the cheap stuff, (which I'm not complaining) the shelves had alot of paper towels!. (maybe I misunderstood and the truck actually got there around 9 or 9:15) I suppose I'm good for now though, got a freezer full of stuff, just last night, the neighbors had burgers on the bbq, brought over a couple!. (yes they were great)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Blog post: March 16

Overcast, 50, not much in the way of wind, it rained alittle during the night.. I went to Wallyworld today, and I gotta say, that this is the first time I've been to a Walmart (or any other store) and seen empty shelves or bare spots!. I've seen people restocking the shelf, or putting up shelves, even around Xmas I wouldn't see'm this bare!. (crazy) If anything's gonna happen then it's gonna happen, ok!. NO and I mean no amount of washing your hands or sanitizing of the hands is gonna make a difference, (I'll say this though, if Trump washes his hands it won't take long 😀😁) but yeah, you should just live your life and not worry about being miserable, you can't hope this just passes us, like an asteroid  just missing earth!. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog post: March 12

Welp, today is the 12, that means tomorrow is the 13th !. Nothing special, just Friday the 13th!. ( 😜😜😋😋😀😛😜 probably end up showing marathons of, 'Friday the 13th!. ) The temps have been getting warmer,  afew nights ago we had a thunderstorm with rain and lots of wind but it only lasted afew hrs. A couple of days ago it was really windy out, (I mean cows and..........cows windy) a large branch came down, across the way, I guess about 4 doors down, it was in a yard where the house isn't occupied.. (personally I'm surprised the house didn't come down with the wind!.) There are afew houses like that here, houses where you wonder, "How they're still standing"!. or, "I can't believe people actually live there"!. The house right next door, I can see the backyard from my front/back door, (The FENCED in backyard) the lady that lives there has two dogs, one she lets run around but walks the other! (yes she walks her dog around her backyard wich is fenced in)
Went to the library yesterday, got some movies, 'RED 1 and 2 ' (Bruce Willis) which I seen acouple times now, 'Joker' I don't think I'm gonna like this, but it was highly talked about, got 5 star ratting so I figure, "what the heck"!. And I got, 'Terminator Dark Fate'!. (don't think I have to tell you who is in this movie)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Blog post: March 7

Starting to get warmer out,today got up to 70 and all last week was in the 60's and upper 50's with alot of blue skies!. I had to go to Walgreens yesterday and get my pictures back then I walked back and ate some lunch at Wendy's , there must've been like a field trip or something cause there were probably close to 50 kids, then on over to Wallyworld !. (which was the 2nd time I went and didn't really have to get anything for the freezer, but like the 1rst time, that didn't stop me from buying stuff) Earlier in the week, maybe Wed. or Thurs. I walked down to Sonic, got myself a burger and while I was there, someone drove off before getting their order, so just jokingly I said, "I'll take it" . so I had supper takin care of!. Later a friend took me to Sonic and bought me a buy 1 get 1 free burger!. (sometimes ya get lucky and have a great day)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Blog post: March 2

Well, it's March, the only month that tells ya what to do or give ya inspiration or somthin like that!. I went to Wallyworld today, first time since I moved here I didn't have to buy anything for the freezer!. (didn't stop me from buying anything though) It was windy this morning (thought I saw the neighbors dog fly by) it didn't last long though.. It got up to about 51-52 but it stayed cloudy to partly cloudy all day.. I have to go back to Wallyworld again Fri. (err well, Wallygreens lol) I'll have em take me to Walgreens then walk up to Wendy's then he'll pick me up at Walmart (boy, that's alot of walls!.lol) Well, for the acception of WENdy's!..... (well,I gotta go and try to find something in the freezer!.)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blog post: Feb. 27

Today got up to about 50 and partly cloudy, alittle on the breezy side but they predict 60's for the weekend,, Went to Wallyworld today, had to do a few things while I was out.. Walked down to Walgreens then back and get afew things.. (course I had to stop at my favorite eatery, say, "hi' to a few people) Then it was back home where I didn't really feel like doing anything, so I just kinda laid around the rest of the day watching 'Youtube'!. Got a package from a friend of mine from down  in Fla. it arrived a few days after Valentine's day, I got a card inside saying,  "This is your  Christmas,  New Year and Valentine's Day gift" (lol) but what was really great was I just bought a few things from 'Amazon' just two days before so when I got back, (I went to Walllyworld on that day too) I seen three packages sitting in-front of my door!. (kinda felt like Xmas) Yesterday got up to about 40 but the wind made it alittle cooler out, we had off 'n' on snow showers, but they only lasted like ten seconds !. I walked up, had to get a refill on my prescription then on my way back, I stopped at Subway and had a salad that was  sandwiched in-between a subroll with ham and mayo!.. (lol)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Blog post: Feb. 23

Last few days have been pretty nice, blue skies (or mostly blue) comfortable day time highs for this time of year, no rain, I think yesterday got all the way up to 60!. Last Thursday I went to Wallyworld, got one of those cameras to take a few pictures of the old town here gonna send'm to a friend of mine down there in Fla..... (just sittin here blogging waiting on my couch to be delivered).....Today and tomorrow they predict rain, so I suppose it's a good day to watch the few movies I got from the library..(and wait for my couch)..I try to make it a practice now to check out the library and see what new dvds they got in, I prolly already saved about $12.. Someone told me about the movie, 'Judy' (Renee Zellweger) about the life of Judy Garland, which really wasn't exactly (ME) and 'Fighting with my Family' (Dwayne Johnson, Nick Frost) which was (Me)!. So yeah, I think I'll do that, just watch some movies/videos!!.... (and wait for my couch)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Blog post: Feb. 15

The last few days have been pretty chilly, I think Thurs. high was like 19 and yesterday was I guess middle 20's, they predict a gradual warming thru early part of this week, with little to no rain.. Yesterday I went to Wallyworld, I had to get a few things.. Bought myself a little round table for my, 'Medieval Room' just trying to figure out now what all too put on it, I bought a plate from Amazon and utensils and a chalice and while I was in Wallyworld I got a piece of fabric that would make a good placemat, I just need another piece or two to kinda fill up the table..

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Blog post: Feb. 12

Well, it started out this morning with a lite lite rain, then later on in the afternoon it stopped, then it started up again but a rain/snow mix and that lasted about an hr. producing maybe a quarter inch.. I think it got up to about 35-ish.. Really didn't have any reason to go out today so I didn't, just stayed in and watched videos on Youtube/Facebook, etc. Then before I knew it, it was 6:00 and I had to find something for supper!.. Sunny skies are predicted for tomorrow or atleast partly sunny skies, which is good because I have an eye appointment..

Monday, February 10, 2020

Blog post: Feb. 10

32 This morning with sunny skies and lite lite breeze.. Had to walk down to the store  and get a few things, so as I left and was walkin up the road alittle ways and I just decided to stop at the local dumpster and see if there was anything worth taking.. (the guy who works out of the local store that just makes shelves, any and all kinds, said I could use his dumpster) So I'm looking in the dumpster, there's alot of shelf wood and boxes, but I never expected a cat to jump out!. I walked up to it, next thing you know I hear, like, mice scurrying in a box and next thing I see was a cat jumping out!. I gotta say it kinda elevated my heart rate alittle!. (there's some nice pieces of wood in there though) Then afterwards I walked down, got what I needed, then walked back!. Came back another way though, stayed out alittle longer, enjoyed the day!.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Blog post: Feb 7

About 32 upon waking up this morning, and off 'n' on clouds all day, today probably got up to about 45.. Had to walk down and get bread, it's much better than pancakes, although pancakes are good for a hamsamitch/oven roasted turkey maybe a lite coat of mayo. just make sure you thaw those cakes out first!. So I walked down to Casey's to get bread, then on the way back, I stopped in a little antique shop and flea market, got myself a little table, (for my Medieval Room) and stayed there awhile and visited then walked down and stopped in Another antique shop and flea market but didn't buy anything!. Stayed for a bit then walked to the library 'n' got some dvd's........Then home!. Where I seen my table standing in front of my door, it wasn't to heavy but enough to were i'd probably be alittle out of breath after 2  1/2 blocks if I would've carried it, so the lady drove it over and dropped it off (just glad she stopped the car)!.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Blog post: Feb.6

Went to Wallyworld this morning, (my weekly outing) didn't really have to get much, I did manage to spend money!. There was some snow left from yesterday, we got maybe an 1"-1.5".. I had to walk down the store yesterday and get something, there was light snow blowing in my face, (wind was out of the north, actually more like a light breeze.....kinda liked it) I like walking in snow, if you need a weapon you can bend down and get a handfull of the cold stuff and almost instantly you got a semi-hard rock that's made from really cold iced-up rain water that's alittle hard, but not to hard and if you squeeze really hard with your hand, you can break-it and.... (Well It's a snowball plain 'n' simple....a snowball!!..) I got back from Wallyworld around 3 and I was pretty much to tired to do anything, just put the groceries away and plopped down in the chair!.. It was a nice day here, the high here prolly got to around 40, clear, light breeze..

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Blog post: Feb.4

The last few days have been very nice, ever since my last post on Jan.29 it's been gradually warming, yesterday and today were in the 70's with clear to partly cloudy skies but tomorrow they predict rain and the next day they predict snow!. (which I have no problem with) Sunday was the Super Bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49er's , it was a really close game all 4 quarters, there was a lot of good commercials too, my favorite was the one with Bill Murray!. This is the first city that I know of to shoot fireworks and celebrate after their team won!. So today is the next day (Feb.4) and right now it's about 35 and breezy and overcast, the radar shows stuff moving, but nothing right close by.. (it's 1 now so I would look for it around supper time maybe 5:30-6) Two days ago was, 'Groundhog Day' it appears there will be an early Spring..  Punxsutawney Phil, did not see it's shadow, (I know some of you would appreciate that) but here, I've been seeing, 'Robins' which are also a sign of 'Spring' ever since 'Thanksgiving' and as my Bro. would say, "Spring is 6 weeks away"!
Okayyy so, I just went out to check the mail, (no mail) and it was lightly drizzling out.....SO, I think I have to find a new 'radar'!.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 29

Alittle bit of snow this morning when I woke up.. It started around 10 I guess last night, it only got down to about 31-32 and the high today was about 37 so it didn't stick around long, it stayed cloudy all day but only like a 20% chance of precip. They predict a warming for the rest of the week with little or no rain expected and possibly 65 by Sunday.. I went to Wallyworld this morning got a few things for the freezer, when I got back didn't really feel like going out so I just put on a crappy movie and just kinda fell asleep!. Well, it's almost the end of the month, ya know what that means!?. (nothin)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 27

Nice morning here in Girard !. Clear, light breeze,  51.. Have to walk down and get a few  things... well gotta get bread...Just don't know were to go for it, Casey's or our local market, oh well, don't, matter, I'll prolly pay the same no matter were I go!. The last 3 or 4 days were nice, start out clear then partly cloudy-up, last  time it snowed here was about a week ago, we got maybe a quarter inch but it was like 31-32 so it was pretty much all gone by supper time!. For the last few months, well Sept. I suppose I have been sleeping good, I'd turn in between 12 and 2 and get up around 8:30 or 9, I think a few times I slept till 10, but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen!. The other night I guess I stayed up till 2:30, and I woke-up the next morning at 10:30!. (if I was down Fla. that would be, almost 12!.) Soon as I woke-up I right away put two fingers on my neck looked at my watch on my wrist!.(I was ok though) Well it's getting on 12:00 here, and I got places......well.....a place to go, the mail should be coming by soon........Oh, that reminds me, somehow the post office thought that I had moved, Idk where they got that from, I've been here for the past 7 months (they thought I moved on Dec.2) but I got t all straightened out!.. In the words of the, 'Duke'   "I'm Burnin Daylight"!.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 23

I seen a 'post' on Fb. earlier of President Obama laying on the floor (in one of his many offices) holding a baby/playing with a baby, and I thought, "That's a great man"!. I'm trying not to be to political here but just look at the two, Obama has made time for Family, his work, playing with  his Daughters, making time for others/the community, just an all around, 'Great Pres./Guy'!. Now let's look at the other side of the coin, 'Trump' what can be said about Trump, "the exact opposite!. He does not care about the community or others, if he does say or do something good it's most likely because something bad is happening and he's trying to get your attention off it!. does not spend time with Fam!. 'PUSHED' the proverbial 'red button'!. Then there are others, like talking about grabbing women here'n'there, or talking about shooting people in the street, I'm  sure he signed a few good bills/passed a few good bills, but look how much bad he's  done.. I wouldn't want to play golf with him, I'd probably loose to him by  an astronomical score, considering all the time he spent out on the course!.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 20

I awoke this morning to the low 20's and we prolly made it all the way to the low 30's but a reaaaalll nice day, no clouds and very very lite wind.. (leaves/feathers) Did get out and walk, I walked all the way around the house to check the mail, (like a 60 foot walk, round trip) anyway, that was my walk for the day!.. I think tomorrow I'm gonna call and arrange me a ride to Wallyworld, and of curse stop at my fav. Bistro!..

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blog post: Jan.18

Started out cloudy here in Girard, then I guess around 10 the sun started to come out and made way for mostly clear skies but was on the cool side with temps. in the 30's all day, (idk may have got up to 40 for a high) but it was windy all day, atleast till about 5 anyway.. Didn't really do much today, on account of the wind, was gonna walk to the market and get a few things but on the way there I stopped off at, 'Painted Barrels' and sat there for awhile and visited, just pondering what my next move  was.. I ended up walking down to Casey's, it was a nice day, sure it was alittle windy, and  sure I almost got hit in the head by a cow but there was alota blue up there, then came back and watched, 'Robin Hood' with Kevin Costner!..

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blog post: Jan 16

It was a we bit 'cool' this morning, with  a 32 degree reading and partly cloudy skies with a lite breeze.. Went to Wallyworld today, had to fill the freezer, went to Wendy's too !. (it was cold there too) After I got back, I really didn't do any walking around, just kinda stayed in, did some computing, played with my new 'Bluetooth' I got for a (late) Xmas gift!.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 14

It was cloudy upon waking up, the temp. was in the mid. 40's but there was only a 10% chance of precip. The Sun did peek through a few times, and there was a lite breeze.. Had to do a few things today, walked down and get bread, stop in and pay my Craw-Kan phone bill.. As I was walking by the Eye Dr. the Receptionist at the desk waved me in, (kinda added alittle light to my day) she gave me an eye opp. set for Feb. 13.. Then went to the P.O. had to mail something then it was back home...... Oh, stopped in, 'Painted Barrels' sat there and visited awhile then back home.. Tomorrow I think I'll call and line myself up a ride to 'Wallyworld'!. (my fav. eatery)

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Blog post: Jan.12

Well, had me a nice little 2 day vacation, got to eat at my fav. eatery, walked next door, got a new cell phone from Wallyworld even got to witness a snow storm!. The owners and I are getting to know each other pretty well, he wanted me to buy him a big 24oz. can of Bud Lite and I brought back 24 cans, honest mistake, little bit of a lang. barrier (they're Indian) but a nice guy!. (we had a good  laugh over it) Today wasn't bad, got up to 24 I guess sun came out a few times, lite wind, lows are predicted to be in the upper teens and then highs reaching 40 tomorrow, (well later today) must get ready for bed!.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Blog post: Jan.10

Well, it started out nice, partly cloudy little breezy, 59 got up to 68... (if not the upper 60's!..Yep the upper 60's) now it's 9:30 and about 30!.. The weather started to turn, around afternoon, I guess around 11:30 or 12..Started getting cloudy, breeze was picking up then about 1started raining, not much in the way of lightning though although we did have a few good flashes.. Decided to take myself a little getaway, I got myself a room in the next town,(Pittsburg) walk across to Wallyworld, go to Wendy's!.. I don't know if I'll be able to get out tomorrow, the news man said, up to 3" of snow by noon, I'll say this, with all this rain we're having now then later dipping down into the  low 20's and obviously turning to ice then the snow on top of that, well them's the makings for avalanches!.. I have to walk across the street tomorrow to the 'Dollar store', (that's next to Wallyworld) maybe I can ice skate over, I am up hill from it..........(I think, maybe down) Idk, doesn't matter, I don't know how to ice skate!.I just finished my pizza, now I go get ready for bed!.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Blog post: Jan 8

Beautiful day, very streaky day!. Probably started out around 32 but quickly warmed up to about 61.. Went to Wallyworld this morning, had to get a few things, I walked down to Walgreens, I wanted to get my pics. I took.. It's not good to take pics. of something at night!. I wanted to get pics. of all the Xmas lights for a friend of mine in Fla. well, all the lights came out, and, close up stuff.. A few things did come out, I took some pics. of inside, so it wasn't all lost... Came back, stopped at Wendy's , all in all it was a pretty nice day!.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 7

Got up to about 55 today, another day with lots of blue in the sky.. Didn't really have any plan on were to go, but I knew I was going for a walk!. So I started out walk'n up to the first stop sign then, 'stop' , Now I got 4 directions to choose, so I end up  going straight, and then I made a right, eventually I went to the market, had to get some stuff for the fridge anyway and I had a few dollars and on top of that it was a nice day.. (not a cloud all day) I came back, put my things away, stayed for about an hr. or so then went back out some more!. I went down to 'Painted Barrels' stayed there awhile then came back, it was starting to get dark.. Now I'll make a couple of hamburgers and watch a couple of movies!.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 5

Ya know, I think the cool weather makes me sleep more, I get a solid 6, 7 hrs. every night, last night I went to bed alittle after 12 (normally I turn in around 1) and I awoke this morning at 9:42, that's (counts on fingers) a really long time, as soon as I woke up, I checked my pulse to see if I was alive!. (I am) Down Fla. I'd go to sleep at 12 or so, wake at 2 or 3 and then say, "Heyyyy, it's only 3, I can go back to sleep"!. Here, nooOOOooooo, I sleep right thru the whole night!. (No, I don't have a sleeping problem......RIGHT) My friend Carl, added a new menu item, every Sun. from 12-4 is 'Pancakes all you can eat $5.00 then others too like, biscuts'n'gravy /bacon / sausage / and your choice of milk or coffee, all for extra like $1.00 or $1.50... I had bscuts'n'gravy /pancakes / bacon and scrambled eggs.....oh and a pepsi!. (so I just basically said, "yeah" to all) Ya know it's funny, whenever I go in there my belly doesn't quite touch the edge of the table, but when I leave it does!. 'Kimberly's Little Hut' they have a little paper menu of the usual but if they're have a special, they'll make a sign and put it on their wall, "Ask us about our special steak night" or "Ask us about our New Year's Eve. Dinner".. (which was a Ribeye, which all I left was the aluminum foil) A few times a week he has his bbg out there, 1 day is a regular 'Country Fried Steak'  and Thurs. is regular 'Hamburger' day, (that's my day) sat for little while after I finished, watched some tv then walked it of around the 'Square'!. I went up and got some things from Casey's....That's.........that's........about it!.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 4

Today was a beautiful day, not a cloud all day, started out at about 32 warmed up to about 50, alittle breezy, but really nice!. Walked down talked alittle with Carl, he works down at, 'Kimberly's Little Hut' then I walked on down to Casey's, had a candy bar and a root beer by the 'Square'!. Didn't really feel like going back home, so I just stayed out and visited with a few more people, it was such a nice day.. (now I'm getting ready to chow down on my personal pan pizza......err, well, small personal pizza)

Friday, January 3, 2020

blog post: Jan. 3

Didn't really do much today, just wet down to, 'The Pink Pickle' !. For those of you that don't now what the Pink Pickle is, it's a 'Bar 'n' Grill' .. So I just walked down there for a little lunch then it was back home where I just sat around and watched vids. most of the day..

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Blog post: Jan.1

I haven't been here in a long time, June 30/July 1, but I'm gonna try to keep this up and keep posting on Facebook too:
Started out alittle cool this morning but quickly warmed up, I think it got up to about 60 today, if not the upper 50's anyway! Clear, alittle breezy (some little cats and dogs, maybe a cow or two)!. Had to walk down to the market and get afew things for the house, and of those few things I got a candy bar and soda and I sat by the 'Square'!. First the yard crew came by, they do this often, they keep it 'leaf free' on the yard..(Hey just saw the first truck of the new yr!....) Anyway, they keep it nice and tidy.. There wasn't much in the way of cars out.. I seen the first bald eagle of the new yr. fly over, and a couple of zombies, I'd say they were in their early teens and very focused on their fones!. (afew times they almost walked in to each other) It was a nice day here in Girard today, tomorrow I have to go to Walgreens to get my pics. then I shall walk to Wendy's (which isn't far) then to Wallyworld (which is right next door) so I'll be out till 2 anyway...

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...