Monday, January 27, 2020

Blog post: Jan. 27

Nice morning here in Girard !. Clear, light breeze,  51.. Have to walk down and get a few  things... well gotta get bread...Just don't know were to go for it, Casey's or our local market, oh well, don't, matter, I'll prolly pay the same no matter were I go!. The last 3 or 4 days were nice, start out clear then partly cloudy-up, last  time it snowed here was about a week ago, we got maybe a quarter inch but it was like 31-32 so it was pretty much all gone by supper time!. For the last few months, well Sept. I suppose I have been sleeping good, I'd turn in between 12 and 2 and get up around 8:30 or 9, I think a few times I slept till 10, but nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen!. The other night I guess I stayed up till 2:30, and I woke-up the next morning at 10:30!. (if I was down Fla. that would be, almost 12!.) Soon as I woke-up I right away put two fingers on my neck looked at my watch on my wrist!.(I was ok though) Well it's getting on 12:00 here, and I got places......well.....a place to go, the mail should be coming by soon........Oh, that reminds me, somehow the post office thought that I had moved, Idk where they got that from, I've been here for the past 7 months (they thought I moved on Dec.2) but I got t all straightened out!.. In the words of the, 'Duke'   "I'm Burnin Daylight"!.

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