Thursday, January 9, 2020

Blog post: Jan 8

Beautiful day, very streaky day!. Probably started out around 32 but quickly warmed up to about 61.. Went to Wallyworld this morning, had to get a few things, I walked down to Walgreens, I wanted to get my pics. I took.. It's not good to take pics. of something at night!. I wanted to get pics. of all the Xmas lights for a friend of mine in Fla. well, all the lights came out, and, close up stuff.. A few things did come out, I took some pics. of inside, so it wasn't all lost... Came back, stopped at Wendy's , all in all it was a pretty nice day!.

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Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...