Saturday, April 21, 2018

Blog Post Cousin Vic

Had a great time having our Cousin Vic here!. We talk about old times, my Mom kept old newspaper clippings and old pictures of my Dad's Dad,and we looked at them!. That first night he was here, the hrs. just flew on by, before I knew it, it was already 12:00!. The next day, we started our day around 10, my Bro. and his Son chose to stay behind and fire up  the smoker, we had ribs that night.. My Cousin and I went to a little outside restaurant and bait shop called 'Camp Holly'!.. They have outside entertainment and a live band (on the weekends) they also have a tent or canopy set-up where you can get food, sandwiches (also on the weekends).. But it's open 7 days a can bring your own food, aslong as you get a soda from the was a nice little get-a-way, there must've been about 80-100 people there..I was happy he got to see an alligator float down the river,and not to mention the 2 little ones they have in the tank in  the gift shop!. Then after about an hr. or so, we headed back to the house.. We talked out on the patio for a while till it was time to eat.. I noticed rumbling while we were sitting there, then I realized a rocket was going up!. So I jump up, walked out on the drive-way (I really would've liked for him to have seen a rocket go up from the drive-way) and said,"CRAP!.. We missed a launch, well at least you got to see the smoke trail"!.. All in all we had a good visit!..

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