Wednesday, March 21, 2018

blog post Just some more ramblings

I do not ever remember it being this cool so late in the season.. Here it is March 18 and just a few days ago, we were down in the 40's for night time low's.. It's been slowly warming up.. Honestly, I kinda like the cool weather, long pants sleeping with a blanket.. Alas, this is Florida and since it's like being near the Tropics, it must stay warm.. This morning I watched the weather, and in  the coming days they predict a slight cool down, they call for upper 60's and lower 70's for the later part of the week, then it'll probably warm right back up again over the weekend... I started this blog post a few days ago, and here it is March 21, breezy, yesterday we had winds of 37 mph with gusts up to 53 mph and a high of 90, today they predict a high of 70 and another day of breezy conditions.. Easter this year is April 1, (April fools day) in case you didn't know!.. Trump, has now got 3, that's 3 women suing him, (he got his tiny hands full !..) The 'Pornstar' the 'Ex-Playboy Model' and the 'Reality Show Contestant' ....I guess it's a good thing for him he's a billionaire!... (and who knows how many others are out there) Ya ya!.. We have quite the President, don't we folks?.. This is who we voted to run the Country...Maybe we can all vote unanimously too have him impeached.. (his time is up)

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Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

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