Thursday, February 6, 2020

Blog post: Feb.6

Went to Wallyworld this morning, (my weekly outing) didn't really have to get much, I did manage to spend money!. There was some snow left from yesterday, we got maybe an 1"-1.5".. I had to walk down the store yesterday and get something, there was light snow blowing in my face, (wind was out of the north, actually more like a light breeze.....kinda liked it) I like walking in snow, if you need a weapon you can bend down and get a handfull of the cold stuff and almost instantly you got a semi-hard rock that's made from really cold iced-up rain water that's alittle hard, but not to hard and if you squeeze really hard with your hand, you can break-it and.... (Well It's a snowball plain 'n' simple....a snowball!!..) I got back from Wallyworld around 3 and I was pretty much to tired to do anything, just put the groceries away and plopped down in the chair!.. It was a nice day here, the high here prolly got to around 40, clear, light breeze..

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