Friday, February 7, 2020

Blog post: Feb 7

About 32 upon waking up this morning, and off 'n' on clouds all day, today probably got up to about 45.. Had to walk down and get bread, it's much better than pancakes, although pancakes are good for a hamsamitch/oven roasted turkey maybe a lite coat of mayo. just make sure you thaw those cakes out first!. So I walked down to Casey's to get bread, then on the way back, I stopped in a little antique shop and flea market, got myself a little table, (for my Medieval Room) and stayed there awhile and visited then walked down and stopped in Another antique shop and flea market but didn't buy anything!. Stayed for a bit then walked to the library 'n' got some dvd's........Then home!. Where I seen my table standing in front of my door, it wasn't to heavy but enough to were i'd probably be alittle out of breath after 2  1/2 blocks if I would've carried it, so the lady drove it over and dropped it off (just glad she stopped the car)!.

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