Sunday, July 26, 2020

Biog post: July 26

97 degrees, no good heavy rainfall in months, maybe just a half a puddles worth, been stuck in the frikken house for.....ohhhh,  a few days I guess!.. There's been a few mornings I've gotten up at 6 ish, and I'd walk up the store maybe around 10, when it's still (Somewhat) comfy out!. (Oh joy, it just went from 97 to 96!.) I'm not staying in intentionally, it's just too hot to go anywhere!. It looks like maybe there's a Birthday or som'n goin on next door, everybody's walk'n around with those little pointed hats on eating cake, looks like they're gettin ready to go to the lake to !. (WHOHOOOOoooooo)........... That was about 4:20 when they left and now it's 6:45 and they just got back so either they went to the lake or maybe someone's house!.. It  looks as though they're having a little get together, they are all sitting in their screen room, I guess a 10x15 surrounded by mosquito net.. Looks like they is all having a good time!. (that's all right, I have pizza 😋😜🍕 ) Weatherman said it was gonna be a somewhat more comfortable week this week, maybe I'll get out and do some walking!.

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