Sunday, July 12, 2020

Blog post: July 11

Temp. 98, 10% chance of rain, everything's dry as a bone (even the puddles are bone dry) However it's a cool 77 / 78 in the house!. The day before yesterday, Thursday morning at I guess around 5-ish, we must've had winds of 50-60 mph (Bovines/Heffers) even got some rain out of it with some thunder & lightning.. I was woken up, but not enough to actually get up!. It didn't last long though, and afterwhile I went back to sleep again!. I was surprised, when I woke up again about 9:30, there were no limbs down not really any damage of any kind, it did fill the puddles up (well half full anyway)....................Sun. July 12.. Woke up to blue skies today, our little drought continues.. Don't really know if we're TECHnically under a drought, but all you have to do is look around, look at all the brown grass, all the dried up puddles and especially, the no rain since March/April, once in a while we'd have a stray shower or thunderstorm maybe some gusty wind.. Watching the neighbors do alittle mowing and weed eating alittle while ago!. I was noticing him weed eating the dog cage (like a 10x10 chain link) and wondering, "He should just mow what he can, try to get as close to the cage then if he has to go weed eat".. Eh...Oh well !. Anyway, they all piled in the truck and went somewhere, looked like maybe the local lake/a pool.. 

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