Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blog post: May 24

Ok, I gotta say something here, I see people posting stuff about masks and I'm fine with it, then a few days later I may see the same people post the complete opposite!. People are not reading between the lines!. There is an old saying, "Live every day as though it was your last" I don't know about  anyone else but that's what I'm doing.. Now my state does not say that it's mandatory, (notice I said, "Mandatory")to wear a mask, some do some don't.. You go to a restaurant, it says on the door, "no shoes, no shirt, no service well you can wear shoes, shirt and get service or you don't have to  eat there!. You go play golf, they may want you to dress nice, or you don't have to play!. Some states are mandatory, you have to wear a mask, as I said before, "mine is not"!. You have to look out for numero uno (number 1) what ya gonna do, start worrying about everyone else, might as well put up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes!.

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