Saturday, May 9, 2020

Blog post: May 9

Had to go get some things from the market today, then on my way back I was gonna stop and pick-up my prescription, (not like I needed it, atleast not right away) on my way back, I was thinking about stopping at Sonic but I didn't, it was prolly about 68-69 but their was a slight breeze so just enough to make it cool (I had shorts on) so I had something when I got back!. After I ate something I put up my 'Magic Mesh' , I ordered it from Amazon last Sat. and it got here today.. Anyway I put it up this afternoon, I guess it works good I'll know better around June/July.. Little by little places have been opening back up, they might only stay open a few days a week though or maybe, if you go in you have to wear a mask.. (hey fine with me I'll just go in my closet and get my 'Freddy Krueger' mask!.)

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