Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Blog post: May 12

53, cloudy, light breeze.. Today it's not so bad, yesterday however was cooler at 47, but today and yesterday are the last cool days for a while anyway, it's predicted to be warm for the next 25-30 days anyway, which is good because I turned off my heat on the 4th I believe, then it's predicted to be 74 tomorrow!. Had to go up a while ago and get some bread, which was really hard too because I was sittin here watching some videos/doing a little facebookin but I knew deep deep deep down that I really needed that bread, so I had to get that nice big blanket off me, and.......well......get bread !. That's ok, I wanted to anyway.... I can't really speak for anybody else here but when I start on my laptop, time just flies, I would start maybe right after lunch or somthin and here it'd be already 4 hrs. gone by!. I can stand being online 90 mins. let alone 4 hrs!.............................hmm, neighbors just went out again!.

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