Friday, May 22, 2020

Blog post: May 22

Probably got to the mid. 80's today, pretty much clear all day, with an occasional lingering cloud.. Right now however, it is overcast and upper 60's and the light breeze that we had throughout the day has come to a standstill.. (hey sun's out!.) We had a good down pour this morning that began around 6 I guess till around 9ish, not much thunder 'n' lightning..
 Had to go up the store today and get some more stuff for the house, on my way back stop at Sonic and had a late lunch... (it was good) The taxi system that I take (err took) in to town has started back up again, they stopped and were only taking like Dr. opp. or hosp. So I went to Wallyworld on Tuesday, got a few things, among those was an air mattress and bat.powered pump, I'm gonna give it on more go, just haven't made a date yet... I was able to stop in at my fav. bistro, they remembered me!.
 Well, I must go now and see what's in the freezer, but then again I am kinda still filled up from Sonic maybe I'll watch a movie first, ehhhhhh idk......anyway, wish me luck!?!.

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