Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blog post: April 28

Had a nice four day weekend, well three anyway!. Neighbor took me camping Sat. then Sun. went got a room at the motel down the street, was gonna come back Mon. but decided to stay Mon. night  too, so yeah I suppose it was a four day weekend !. Glad I took my computer with me cause there was nothing on tv the whole time!. I did watch the movie, 'Constantine' while I was there, it was pretty good, don't believe I ever watched it before.....................Well, I started this blog on Tuesday, and here it is Thursday.. I had to go down to Dollar Gen. today, get myself some more shirts (I did) while I was there got some little snacks and bread, was gonna stop at the supermarket on the way back anyway!. Ya know, when it comes to me having to get groceries, I can either go to, 'Caseys' (the closest) but they cost the most.. The Supermarket, they don't cost as much, but alittle further and the Dollar Gen. the cheapest and the furthest, so you can see my dilemma here!. 😋😛😜😁 All three stores are however under a mile.. (Dollar Gen. is prolly just under a mile away) Beautiful day today here in Girard, blue from end to end, temp. in the upper 70's-80🌞🌞

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