Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blog post: April 26

It's like 90% oficial now, I'm pretty sure my back does not like camping!. I went last Oct. the back did not let me sleep at all, and the same thing happened this time, but unlike last time when I went (it was nice and calm as I was setting up the tent) this time the wind was fierce!. (cows and chickens and goats) I thought I'd sleep good that night (I thought I heard an, evil laugh coming from right over my shoulder👿👿) boy, was I mistakin!. This morning I reserved myself a room down the road from the campground, and now everything hurts!. Don't get me wrong though, for what little time I did spend out there, I really enjoyed it, I mean putting up the tent in the wind, I won't lie, was kinda hard (it wasn't a breeze😋😜😁) so later that night, mr. back pain was the first to show-up, then eariy this morning, mr. leg pans then they all got together and decided to invite mr. headache to the party, (cause you know the wind and all)!. Now though here I am, in a nice room, gonna spened two nights, ordered me a pizza, Wallyworld is across the street, so when I go to bed tonight I'll prolly end-up sleeping 18 hrs. straight!...

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