Sunday, March 29, 2020

Blog post: March 29

Sunny, clear, low to mid 70's lite breeze. Grass is getting greener, buds on the trees, and I hear people mowing off in the distance!. I have to start getting my camping gear ready!. I think I may have alittle trouble this yr. because of the situation but I'm still planning on doing my shopping, I just hope I don't have any trouble lining up rides, I just have to get afew little things from Wallyworld and Amazon!. The other day I walked down to the store in town here and I got a few little things, I had plenty of money with me, it's just I payed for my stuff with cash then I had to use the card, but before I could get the card out the lady behind me whipped out the $2 I needed, even though I said I had it she still insisted on paying me the $2, very nice of her!. Stopped said hey to a friend of mine on my way down there!. Occasionally I see people walking down the road, today, being such a beautiful day I seen a Mom playing with her baby on the front lawn, one kid ridding his bike in the park, enjoying himself, being a kid !. (even if he was alone)

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