Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blog post: March 19

Today, breezy, (some kittens) 70, pt. cloudy.. Rained pretty heavy last night, some thunder 'n' lightning but nothing in the way of any real big damage.. Walk down to the store this morning, got some 'tp' not that I needed any right away, I could have waited afew more weeks,it's just I wanted to get some before they were gone!. Let me just say,  last night when I got back from the store I called, thinking that maybe I could like 'reserve' or maybe put a package on, 'layaway' (if you will) but the lady said, "No, but the truck comes around 9:30" so I managed to leave this morning at 9:20 got there around 9:40-ish, you know there was only like maybe 15 or 20 of the cheap stuff, (which I'm not complaining) the shelves had alot of paper towels!. (maybe I misunderstood and the truck actually got there around 9 or 9:15) I suppose I'm good for now though, got a freezer full of stuff, just last night, the neighbors had burgers on the bbq, brought over a couple!. (yes they were great)

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