Monday, March 16, 2020

Blog post: March 16

Overcast, 50, not much in the way of wind, it rained alittle during the night.. I went to Wallyworld today, and I gotta say, that this is the first time I've been to a Walmart (or any other store) and seen empty shelves or bare spots!. I've seen people restocking the shelf, or putting up shelves, even around Xmas I wouldn't see'm this bare!. (crazy) If anything's gonna happen then it's gonna happen, ok!. NO and I mean no amount of washing your hands or sanitizing of the hands is gonna make a difference, (I'll say this though, if Trump washes his hands it won't take long 😀😁) but yeah, you should just live your life and not worry about being miserable, you can't hope this just passes us, like an asteroid  just missing earth!. 

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