Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blog post: March 25

Sunny, mid. 70's light breeze!. They have like 1000 kids next door, (6) it sure seems like 1000!... I went to Wallyworld yesterday, even though I go there once a week, I like to go to my fav. restaurant, but there counter was closed they just had the drive through open, and two other places I checked, I did have two get afew more things for the freezer.. I ordered afew more things from Amazon for my 'Medieval Room' even though I technically finished it, I found a bare spot on the wall, so......well.....I had to get something to cover it up, in this case I had to get 2 things!. It sure was a beautiful day out today, walked to the store today, got some stuff for the cupboard, stopped had a late lunch!. (was good)

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