Saturday, December 19, 2020

Blog post: Dec.19

 This here is an ode to my beautiful town (yeah right) Girard Kansas;

 I just love to look at all the beautiful homes that are in Girard, (not really)... All the lawns are kept so neat and tidy (right)... Except for the 'Courthouse' the 'Courthouse' and the yard around it, is always kept either mowed every week, or mowed to keep the leaves off the yard... (now getting back to my, 'Ode To Girard Ks.') All the people here are just so nice and warm and friendly (๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”)... The neighbors on my right side (or left depending on how you're standing) have a nice big, round, abuve ground pool, which I think from May to Aug. they only used twice,  and....... well......... it's just one big round ice cube now, yes it's still standing with water!. Last yr. they took it down, but they basically just left the pool laying laying on the side from  Oct. io May (imitating a big blue pancake).... I'm sorry, I keep getting of track... Were was I...Oh yeah!...Nice, 'n' warm 'n' friendly (yada yada) I really like how people here ask you, "Hey, were ya off too"?. or, "When you gonna be back"?. err someth'n like that, I get more acnoloment, from all the dog's in the area!. They see me leave, "Ruff Ruff"!. They see me come back, "Ruff Ruff", for all I know,they could be, welcoming me back, or maybe, "Hey, how long you gonna be"?. It could be anything, but whatever it is it's directed at me, I see them and they see me!..... (oh maybe, "Hey we missed you while you were away") You think what you want and I'll think what I want!.. Well, like Ozzy said, "I think I'm going off the rails" and I think I went off  the rails here a few times!. I started a poem and finished with.............something else!.

                                                      I hope you enjoyed............whatever this was!.  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„

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