Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blog post: Nov. 14th

 Well, Halloween came and went and just yesterday was, 'Friday the 13th,' which is kind of like a holiday in it's own right, I guess maybe it could  be a, 'Day' like we have, National Doughnut Day' and 'National Hotdog Day' there's even a, 'National Happiness Day' so why couldn't we have a, 'National Friday the 13th Day' it could even be a ratings booster for that know, that movie!?. Well, just a few more days and it'll be, 'Turkey Day'!......... (There's another, 'Day') 

I may be moving back east,northeast this time, New York!. I like Fla. know people there, just that it's not exactly my thing!. I like 4 seasons (where Fla. just has 2 summers and a fall) in the fall, I'd rather jump into a pile of leaves (not a pile of palm fronds) I don't exactly like to wear shorts all yr. round!. When I moved out here in Kansas a little over a yr. ago I liked it, being on my own, my own independence........ehh....A little over a yr. later though, not so much... Just not my area anymore, so I guess now I'm looking forward to living in N.Y. !.... 

I went to Wallyworld last Wed. got a little 24" tree!. It has those little bendy branches on it and I got 1 big Christmas ball, and I never did  bend the branches to make it look like an actual Xmas tree, so now I just call it my Charlie Brown Tree!.

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