Sunday, March 29, 2020

Blog post: March 29

Sunny, clear, low to mid 70's lite breeze. Grass is getting greener, buds on the trees, and I hear people mowing off in the distance!. I have to start getting my camping gear ready!. I think I may have alittle trouble this yr. because of the situation but I'm still planning on doing my shopping, I just hope I don't have any trouble lining up rides, I just have to get afew little things from Wallyworld and Amazon!. The other day I walked down to the store in town here and I got a few little things, I had plenty of money with me, it's just I payed for my stuff with cash then I had to use the card, but before I could get the card out the lady behind me whipped out the $2 I needed, even though I said I had it she still insisted on paying me the $2, very nice of her!. Stopped said hey to a friend of mine on my way down there!. Occasionally I see people walking down the road, today, being such a beautiful day I seen a Mom playing with her baby on the front lawn, one kid ridding his bike in the park, enjoying himself, being a kid !. (even if he was alone)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blog post: March 25

Sunny, mid. 70's light breeze!. They have like 1000 kids next door, (6) it sure seems like 1000!... I went to Wallyworld yesterday, even though I go there once a week, I like to go to my fav. restaurant, but there counter was closed they just had the drive through open, and two other places I checked, I did have two get afew more things for the freezer.. I ordered afew more things from Amazon for my 'Medieval Room' even though I technically finished it, I found a bare spot on the wall, so......well.....I had to get something to cover it up, in this case I had to get 2 things!. It sure was a beautiful day out today, walked to the store today, got some stuff for the cupboard, stopped had a late lunch!. (was good)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blog post: March 19

Today, breezy, (some kittens) 70, pt. cloudy.. Rained pretty heavy last night, some thunder 'n' lightning but nothing in the way of any real big damage.. Walk down to the store this morning, got some 'tp' not that I needed any right away, I could have waited afew more weeks,it's just I wanted to get some before they were gone!. Let me just say,  last night when I got back from the store I called, thinking that maybe I could like 'reserve' or maybe put a package on, 'layaway' (if you will) but the lady said, "No, but the truck comes around 9:30" so I managed to leave this morning at 9:20 got there around 9:40-ish, you know there was only like maybe 15 or 20 of the cheap stuff, (which I'm not complaining) the shelves had alot of paper towels!. (maybe I misunderstood and the truck actually got there around 9 or 9:15) I suppose I'm good for now though, got a freezer full of stuff, just last night, the neighbors had burgers on the bbq, brought over a couple!. (yes they were great)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Blog post: March 16

Overcast, 50, not much in the way of wind, it rained alittle during the night.. I went to Wallyworld today, and I gotta say, that this is the first time I've been to a Walmart (or any other store) and seen empty shelves or bare spots!. I've seen people restocking the shelf, or putting up shelves, even around Xmas I wouldn't see'm this bare!. (crazy) If anything's gonna happen then it's gonna happen, ok!. NO and I mean no amount of washing your hands or sanitizing of the hands is gonna make a difference, (I'll say this though, if Trump washes his hands it won't take long 😀😁) but yeah, you should just live your life and not worry about being miserable, you can't hope this just passes us, like an asteroid  just missing earth!. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog post: March 12

Welp, today is the 12, that means tomorrow is the 13th !. Nothing special, just Friday the 13th!. ( 😜😜😋😋😀😛😜 probably end up showing marathons of, 'Friday the 13th!. ) The temps have been getting warmer,  afew nights ago we had a thunderstorm with rain and lots of wind but it only lasted afew hrs. A couple of days ago it was really windy out, (I mean cows and..........cows windy) a large branch came down, across the way, I guess about 4 doors down, it was in a yard where the house isn't occupied.. (personally I'm surprised the house didn't come down with the wind!.) There are afew houses like that here, houses where you wonder, "How they're still standing"!. or, "I can't believe people actually live there"!. The house right next door, I can see the backyard from my front/back door, (The FENCED in backyard) the lady that lives there has two dogs, one she lets run around but walks the other! (yes she walks her dog around her backyard wich is fenced in)
Went to the library yesterday, got some movies, 'RED 1 and 2 ' (Bruce Willis) which I seen acouple times now, 'Joker' I don't think I'm gonna like this, but it was highly talked about, got 5 star ratting so I figure, "what the heck"!. And I got, 'Terminator Dark Fate'!. (don't think I have to tell you who is in this movie)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Blog post: March 7

Starting to get warmer out,today got up to 70 and all last week was in the 60's and upper 50's with alot of blue skies!. I had to go to Walgreens yesterday and get my pictures back then I walked back and ate some lunch at Wendy's , there must've been like a field trip or something cause there were probably close to 50 kids, then on over to Wallyworld !. (which was the 2nd time I went and didn't really have to get anything for the freezer, but like the 1rst time, that didn't stop me from buying stuff) Earlier in the week, maybe Wed. or Thurs. I walked down to Sonic, got myself a burger and while I was there, someone drove off before getting their order, so just jokingly I said, "I'll take it" . so I had supper takin care of!. Later a friend took me to Sonic and bought me a buy 1 get 1 free burger!. (sometimes ya get lucky and have a great day)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Blog post: March 2

Well, it's March, the only month that tells ya what to do or give ya inspiration or somthin like that!. I went to Wallyworld today, first time since I moved here I didn't have to buy anything for the freezer!. (didn't stop me from buying anything though) It was windy this morning (thought I saw the neighbors dog fly by) it didn't last long though.. It got up to about 51-52 but it stayed cloudy to partly cloudy all day.. I have to go back to Wallyworld again Fri. (err well, Wallygreens lol) I'll have em take me to Walgreens then walk up to Wendy's then he'll pick me up at Walmart (boy, that's alot of walls!.lol) Well, for the acception of WENdy's!..... (well,I gotta go and try to find something in the freezer!.)

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...