Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blog post: June 27, 2019

I geuss it was around 5:30 when I came back yesterday, it started getting a little breezy and cloudy like it was gonna rain any min. but it didn't, cooled it off nice though.. After I got back about half hr. or so the sun came out again.. So right now, my day concists of, getting up, maybe having something to eat before I leave, walking up around the square, come back then spending a few hrs. at the library to get intouch with my fb friends coming back and watch a good movie ...while I eat something..
I guess it was around 5:30 when I came back yesterday, it started getting a little breezy and cloudy like it was gonna rain any min. but it didn't, cooled it off nice though.. After I got back about half hr. or so the sun came out again.. So right now, my day consists of, getting up, maybe having something to eat before I leave, walking up around the square, come back then spending a few hrs. at the library to get intouch with my fb friends coming back and watch a good movie while I eat something.. Got up around 10 this morning to another gorgeous day, after I had a bite to eat and got myself together it was about 12:30.. I walked up the corner store to get more coke, I was gonna take a walk down to the local cemetery but didn't exactly get up early enough..

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