Friday, June 28, 2019

Blog post: Girard , 6/28

Yesterday when I walked back from the library it was nice, little breezy but no clouds or threat of rain, just a nice breezy walk around the square.. There's not really a, 'Main Street' here, it's just the county Courthouse and that's the main attraction.. There are little shops on the streets going around the Courthouse but as I said, no main street.. I got up at 8:30 and had to go do a quick library run, my bro. needed the add. of a place in Melbourne where I used to live..... so I texted him the stuff he wanted but then I got sidetracked !..(just something else that made me zig when I wanted to zag) I stopped in the Chamber of Commerce, talked awhile, asked where other things where, enjoyed the air for a little bit, then head back to the house, made a samich then took a nap.. What I wanted to do was walk down the cemetery, the brochure I got from the Chamber mentioned that I should just walk around and see what the oldest marker I could find, so we'll try again tomorrow!..

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