Saturday, June 29, 2019

Blog post: 6/29

I finally got up early enough to walk up the cemetery!. It's prolly between a 5 and 10 acre fields.. I didn't see every tombstone or grave marker but I did walk around and seen a lot, the ones I did see where middle 1800's to early 1900's, I did see a lot of people born early 1800 and died middle to late 1800, I even saw tombstones that would say 1866-1868 and 9.. There were even markers that said 1975, 80 and it's not a run down cemetery, it's pretty well kept.. (just hope if anybody followed me back, I hope they let me know now and not like 8 or 9 tonight) On the way back, I stopped at a bar 'n' grill and had me a coke.. When I  started walking, it was prolly in the 70's but after I got to the cemetery it was prolly in the 80's.. I stayed, had myself a hamburger and tots and another coke, prolly stayed for a good hr. When I left and started walking back it was prolly 88 or so, so I got a coke to go.. Beautiful day to walk through the cemetery!..  (One of those whispy days (ya know!?)

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