Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blog post: April 28

Had a nice four day weekend, well three anyway!. Neighbor took me camping Sat. then Sun. went got a room at the motel down the street, was gonna come back Mon. but decided to stay Mon. night  too, so yeah I suppose it was a four day weekend !. Glad I took my computer with me cause there was nothing on tv the whole time!. I did watch the movie, 'Constantine' while I was there, it was pretty good, don't believe I ever watched it before.....................Well, I started this blog on Tuesday, and here it is Thursday.. I had to go down to Dollar Gen. today, get myself some more shirts (I did) while I was there got some little snacks and bread, was gonna stop at the supermarket on the way back anyway!. Ya know, when it comes to me having to get groceries, I can either go to, 'Caseys' (the closest) but they cost the most.. The Supermarket, they don't cost as much, but alittle further and the Dollar Gen. the cheapest and the furthest, so you can see my dilemma here!. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜›πŸ˜œπŸ˜ All three stores are however under a mile.. (Dollar Gen. is prolly just under a mile away) Beautiful day today here in Girard, blue from end to end, temp. in the upper 70's-80🌞🌞

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blog post: April 26

It's like 90% oficial now, I'm pretty sure my back does not like camping!. I went last Oct. the back did not let me sleep at all, and the same thing happened this time, but unlike last time when I went (it was nice and calm as I was setting up the tent) this time the wind was fierce!. (cows and chickens and goats) I thought I'd sleep good that night (I thought I heard an, evil laugh coming from right over my shoulderπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ) boy, was I mistakin!. This morning I reserved myself a room down the road from the campground, and now everything hurts!. Don't get me wrong though, for what little time I did spend out there, I really enjoyed it, I mean putting up the tent in the wind, I won't lie, was kinda hard (it wasn't a breezeπŸ˜‹πŸ˜œπŸ˜) so later that night, mr. back pain was the first to show-up, then eariy this morning, mr. leg pans then they all got together and decided to invite mr. headache to the party, (cause you know the wind and all)!. Now though here I am, in a nice room, gonna spened two nights, ordered me a pizza, Wallyworld is across the street, so when I go to bed tonight I'll prolly end-up sleeping 18 hrs. straight!...

Friday, April 24, 2020

Blog post: April 24

Well, yesterday was my Birthday, I celebrated it...... well.....I guess the way anyone would celebrate their Birthday alone. Woke up, watched some videos on youtube, did walk to Sonic and had some lunch, had a pizza delivered, was gonna get an  XL but they just had small and Large.. Talked to a few people, it was alright!. Sat. (tomorrow) I'll be going camping though, kinda hope it goes better than when I went last Oct!. I planned on staying for 2 nights (like this time) but after the first night I went down the street and got a room, which wasn't bad, (ended up stayin an extra night on top of that) but was kinda lookin forward to stayin that extra night in the tent.. This time though I'm gonna be alittle more preppaired !.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Blog post: April 8

Blue from end to end, 90 degrees, light north breeze.. I cut some Redbud stems the other day, stuck'm in the ground up by the house, wanted  to see if they would grow, started growing almost right away!. (they were like 2' long I  just poked'm in the ground) I believe  this could very well be a  chicken night (idk) could be a pesgehtii night, nahhhhh chicken, I also got Lasagna and Meat Sauce........OH,pizza!.. I kinda like the sound of Lasagna ehh idk, maybe I'll have breakfast for supper, kinda mix it up alittle!. (can ya tell I really don't have much to say?)

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Blog post: April 4

Overcast 40 degrees, no to light breeze, 10 to 20% chance of precip.. Today they call for 47 yesterday got to 37, actually, it got to 64 but that was just after midnight!. After today though they call for it to start warming again up into the 80's.. I can just see it now, people gonna  start saying, "Ughhh, it's too hot, I want this hot weather too be gone, I'm ready for the cold and the snow"!. I heard that a few times after I moved in, (err read stuff like that)  all I could think was, "Come over here, I wanna give you a good hardy neck massage"!......................Neighbors just got home, carrying a couple of pizzas and a few drinks, (good for them) a few nights ago I ordered a large pizza, had it delivered, (didn't eat it all, ofcourse) saved some for the next night...

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...