Sunday, March 12, 2023

Blog Post: Time change

 So last night we had the time change, where we put the clocks forward 1 hr. (I forgot all about it) All my clocks are electric anyways, so it doesn't matter if I forget to change them, they do it themselves!. I do not like the time change.. For starters, it wouldn't matter what time of yr. you stop changing the clocks because atleast twice a yr. it's either gonna be, dark in the morn. and stay lighter longer or vice versa!. Let the schools and work places account for people walking to work or school in the dark, but do not make everybody else rearrange their lives by setting the clocks every 6 months either forward or backward !. We have everything 'Set' the way we want it, we get good nights sleep, we have our programs to watch at a certain time, we might like to walk at a certain time every day, but if the time changes, then that 'forks up' our whole schedule....


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