Saturday, February 18, 2023

Blog Post: Having your best friend waiting for you when you get back

 I took a walk earlier up to the store, had to get more juice.. Then, on the way back, I stopped at the local market (Casey's) to get a Pepsi and a candy bar, then walked another quarter mile-ish to the 'Square' then sat on a bench and ate and drank my little snack!. I was only there maybe half hr. 45 mins., then I got up, and walked the final 2 blocks back to the apt. As I was turning in the drive-way (walking in the drive-way) the neighbor's (the guy who lives alongside of my apt.) little white Pomeranian dog was sitting on my top step!. It 'Made my day', a few days before the neighbor's cat, was sitting on the hood of my neighbor's car (the guy who lives in the front half of the apt.) I like to take afew dog treats with me, just incase!. The dog and cat both like the same treats!. There's this one lady that works up on the 'Square' but she has her own office.. Every once in a while she brings her own little Idk Poodle, or any one of the other 1000's of little dog breeds out there!. But seeing the neighbor's dog, up on my step just absolutely made my day!!..

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Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...