Sunday, February 26, 2023

Blog post: Checkouts

 I was reading alittle bit ago about, 'checkouts'.. How this person doesn't like them, they think they're putting alot of people out of work, (which they are).. Complaining about showing their receipt to the lady or guy standing at the door.. Now a few days ago, I was reading how these store managers put plexiglass up between the 'Cashier' and the 'Customer', obviously for the 'covid' but people are still complaining that 'Cashiers are putting their hands on stuff'.. Saying stuff like, "Thank-you for putting a piece of plexiglass up between the customer and the cashier, the lady scanning everything is putting her germs all over my food"!. Maybe (just maybe) 'THEY' knew about this 'covid' or something similar way back when Walmart first put in these 'self checkouts'!. I do not believe they were in very long, I don't know for sure, but I don't think it was long..

                                                                                     This is just my 2 cents worth!.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Blog Post: Having your best friend waiting for you when you get back

 I took a walk earlier up to the store, had to get more juice.. Then, on the way back, I stopped at the local market (Casey's) to get a Pepsi and a candy bar, then walked another quarter mile-ish to the 'Square' then sat on a bench and ate and drank my little snack!. I was only there maybe half hr. 45 mins., then I got up, and walked the final 2 blocks back to the apt. As I was turning in the drive-way (walking in the drive-way) the neighbor's (the guy who lives alongside of my apt.) little white Pomeranian dog was sitting on my top step!. It 'Made my day', a few days before the neighbor's cat, was sitting on the hood of my neighbor's car (the guy who lives in the front half of the apt.) I like to take afew dog treats with me, just incase!. The dog and cat both like the same treats!. There's this one lady that works up on the 'Square' but she has her own office.. Every once in a while she brings her own little Idk Poodle, or any one of the other 1000's of little dog breeds out there!. But seeing the neighbor's dog, up on my step just absolutely made my day!!..

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Blog Post: Religion

 So today I walked down to my local 7-11 market I needed some bread and soda for the apt. After I checked out, I went out like I normally do and put everything in my backpack, there was this woman there (employee) she was on a break.. We started talking slowly, then she asks me (about 5 mins. in) if I go to church!. Now she seemed like a nice person, even after I answered her, "No" I said, she says, "Don't you believe in the lord Jesus"? I paused afew secs. and said, "I know he's around"!... I don't really post my religious views, but hey, If someone 'pokes me' or 'pushes my buttons'....... like...... like, the other day, I was sitting on a bench, just outside of the, 'Bible Publications' These 2 older ladies came up to me and said, "Do you know the way to the lord"? After a few secs. I said," Yeah... but I'm not exactly ready to go just yet"!. Now these answers are probably better than the ones I gave a few yrs. ago.. My Mom and I went to this 'Flea Market' upon entering, there were these 2 guys, black suits white shirt black tie, (could've been Jehovah Idk it was so long ago) they asked me "where I wanted to go when I die" I believe I said, "Wherever it is I hope there's a McDonald's" or maybe, "I hope they have cable" ..... There was 1 yr. could've been back in 2008/09, there were 2 Jehovah's that came up to our door, everybody else must've seen them except me, (lucky me) but I started talking to them, but what surprised me was I actually liked talking to these people, they didn't have any (crazy) questions, actually, there were alot of topics covered, not just religion!.

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...