Saturday, November 6, 2021

Blog Post: I miss my hunting

I sure do miss my hunting, it never really was about me harvesting a deer or turkey, but I did kill 1 deer back in '93 maybe '94!.. For me it was mostly just the feel of getting up early, getting all camoed up and heading in the woods with a quiver full of arrows!.. Walking down the field at 4am with just a flashlight to guide the way!.. When I did finely reach my tree I was to sit next to or got up in my stand, I'd just sit there as it slowly started becoming dawn then daybreak then I'd be watching the sunrise!.. Every once 'n' a while, I would see a turkey or a deer.. My favorite time would be early in the morning, but I did go out in the afternoon sometimes, saw a lot of sunsets!.I miss my hunting!.

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