Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Blog post: The Holidays are coming

 Well, there's only a few more days till Halloween, then Thanksgiving then Xmas!. Most of the houses around here are getting all dressed-up for the big day!. Some are alittle on the scary side while others are just simple, some hay and pumpkins.. I'm not doing anything big, I did however get a few things for my, 'Dungeon', might get some little decorations for outside, don't plan on handing candy out to the kids.. (it all wouldn't even make it till then anyhow) A lot of people coming outta Walmart with pumpkins.. This guy had 2 baskets as he was walking out, and each basket must've had about 10 maybe 15 in each!. A few minutes later, this woman came out with a basket full, I was counting them as she loaded up her mini van, she had 11, yeah people do take in the spirit around here!. (doesn't matter what time of yr. it is, or the holiday)

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