Thursday, June 24, 2021

Blog post: June 24

 Monday I went camping.. They predicted a couple of cool-ish days so I decided I should 'jump' through the window and take opportunity of the nice weather and the cool-ish air and 20% chance of rain plus I wanted to try out my new tent!. It was really nice, had a nice spot, took along walk, saw like 6 or 7 rabbits, talked to some nice people, very interesting, talked for like 45 min. to an hr. Both the guys I talked with had dogs, they were awesome!. Running around playing, very friendly!. (the dogs) Although what surprised me was the 1rst guy had 3 dogs and they were all males, but they all got along fine!. Then the other guy that came down just had 1 dog and it was very friendly/energetic!.  (heck they were all friendly and energetic even the guys.......well...... maybe not energetic) Now I've been camping a few times now, up here in Kansas down in Florida, and I get people will stay up till 11, 12 but 20 till 3 !!.. (REALLY) He came down in the lot, parked across the way, so he (or she) was not near me, but whoever it was had this...... high beam....... halogen.....looked like a car with its high beams on, but it was a flashlight.....Idk, maybe they were fishing/looking for frogs/ditching a body idk.....So the next morning I got up, took alittle walk (that's when I seen the rabbits) came back, did my usual camping stuff, wait till about 12 then take taxi to McDonalds for lunch, only I ate at Wendy's then walked around Wallyworld then taxied back then sat and thought for a while, "I don't need this 3am wake up shit" so I packed everything up and went and got a room for 2 nights!., my back didn't like that, but hey,  give 'n' take....... give 'n' take!.  

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