Tuesday, July 10, 2018

blog post, The 4th

We had a good 4th of July.. Nothing big, my Nephew and I went outside and watched some fireworks, the neighbors had a little bbq, Fam. members over, then after it got dark out they went down in front  of the house to watch!. They have a black Doberman so naturally you couldn't see it, except for the collar around his neck, had bright green lights on it, so just imagine him running back 'n' forth looked like a U.F.O. or something, zipping around like 2 feet off the ground (LOL)!.. We had a bigger display than last year!.  Leading up to the day, there'd be fireworks here 'n' there but nothing really big, then on the 4th people would really 'let loose'!.
 About a week or so before, I chased a 'pigmy' rattle snake out of our porch!. Took about 45 min. but I got'em out.. Don't know if it was a male or female, didn't ask it!.. I opened the porch door, and managed to get it out.. So that makes 2.. The first was a 'black snack', both of'em made my heart skip a beat (err a few beats)!.. I just hope I'm done with these things, after I leave they can come back!..

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