Tuesday, November 1, 2016

blog post Halloween

Every Halloween, we really don't have anybody come around, I suppose that's cause we don't live in a neighborhood that's inhabited  by kids!..(which is fine by me) Now when I was a kid myself, maybe 9-10 and into my early teens, I did my share of trick-or-treating...I would go out with Fam. or neighbors...One night, a friend  of my neighbor (all 3 of us went to the same school) made a Haunted House in the lot along side his house...So we both took the  walk through, through the cobwebs, around the piles of rabbit droppings (he had afew rabbits) and just as we were about to exit the haunted house, this guy jumps out from behind some bushes, scared the $@!T out of both of us, before I even did anything, I gave'em a swift backhand !!...I remember later in years, ohh 17-18 I guess, I through, like 50 lb. test fishing line, up over a branch, tie a ghost on the end, then pull it up, then whoever would stop under it (most of the time, it was a parent) I'd lower it right next to them !!...(ahhh, what ever happened to those days)

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