Monday, November 21, 2016

blog post Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving,that time of year when Family and friends get together to watch the 'Thanksgiving Day Parade'then sit down to a turkey dinner or ham or whatever it may be!...Having Thanksgiving in the south is alittle different than having Thanksgiving up north (and when I say south I mean Florida and when I say north I mean anywhere that's north of Florida!!...)First , Turkey day in Fl.(or in the south) is warm,not hot,not cold but warm and all the leaves on the trees are green (except for the 2 or 3 that are yellow!..)Now Thanksgiving up north is, more fitting I think...First, it's cool, not hot not cold but comfortable (cool), either the leaves are turning all different colors or they are falling...Some people just choose to get up at 4 or  5 in the morning and start cooking turkey, and others may choose to go and eat out (Golden Coral , Denny's , Applebees)...However and wherever you have it, try and make it a good one!!...

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