Monday, August 1, 2016

blog post:the 1980's

The 80's were a good time,things were simpler none of these new gadgets that are on the market now,of course some of the  people you knew back then,well,you still know now,and the same thing goes for what you did back then too...Although you may have picked up some knew things along the way,maybe learned a knew language,not because you had too but because you wanted too...Met a few new people...I remember this one restaurant not far from our house it was named 'Tiffany's' I thought it would be kinda neat to wake-up early and ride my bike there and have breakfast, (like the movie, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" lol ) but I never could get up and moving that early!...My next door neighbor moved in,well,next door to me around '78-ish,and I  moved out around 1985...We did lots of stuff...Walked up to the beach to check it out,sometimes we took the surf rods and we'd go fishing up the beach or go the other way and go fish on the pier in the river...Like I said,later in '85 we moved away up to Missouri,sure we kept in touch for some time, until  '93 I suppose...

                       Yes,the 1980's was a good time!!!

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