Wednesday, March 4, 2015

blog post

Tue.March 3rd,sittin here in my recliner,looking out my window,up at the bright blue sky,what a beautiful day it is out,and it's 82 degrees out......(that's 82 fri cken degrees)...Ok,now that I got that off my chest,last night I just finished making a Dreamcatcher for a close friend of mine to give as a gift...
A friend of mine came over today,lookin for alittle work,so I said sure you can cut the grass if ya wanna!..(so he did)Man,I've been pretty lazy these last few days,I don't know if it's the warm weather or what,but after 12 (aft) it just seems like I'm tired for the rest of the day,I could just sit and not move a muscle!!...(ya know)...I am more of a morning person,always was probably always will be!!...Just like how the dew falls of the leaves,the birds and other wildlife comes to life,watching the sunrise!!

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