Sunday, November 18, 2018

blog post: That time of year

Well, Halloween was a few weeks ago, and now it's a few more days till Thanksgiving and then a little over a month will be Christmas!.. I do not have many  people to shop for.. I went once on 'Black Fri.' really don't plan on doing  that again!. The store opened at 7am and when we got there, there were already like 70 people standing in line.. It was a small store, (Ace Hardware) they had this dvd/cd player on sale for 20-25 dollars, (can't really remember) back in the early 2000's.. The sale was only on for a few hours, from 7-10 or 7-11.. I stayed over at friends house one night, they would leave at like 12:00 just so  they'd get there and start shopping at 1am and of-course when they get back, I'd wake out of a deep sleep.. These last few days here have been nice, about 2 days ago, I believe it was in the upper 40's then warmed to about 67 which was nice, comfortable.. Although, it's warmed up now since then, which is pretty much the way here, one day it's a nice 40 or 50 then it warms right back up to 80!!.. It doesn't stay long just 1 or 2 days then 'boom' warming up!!..

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Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...