Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The House with the Clock in it's Walls

Yesterday I went to see 'The House with the Clock in it's Walls'... First off, is an hr. and a half, a lot of special effects and puppeteering.. It is a good movie for the Family to enjoy during this time of year!.. Like I said, " an hr. and a half" not sure if it was rated PG or PG-13... No nudity or sexual situations..
  Never been to this theater before, (The Premiere Oaks 10) I did however go by it  enough times in the car, my neighbor dropped me off, about 100' from the front door, (guess he thought I needed exercise) anyway, as soon as I got in there, it was pretty empty, but then again it was a week day and 1:30 everybody was still in school or at work, which is why I like it, I don't like big crowds!. So here I am, at the Theater, there was about 3 or 4 Families, not many people in front of me.. First thing I do is get my ticket and a lg. popcorn and a lg. coke, 21 dollars!!.. (yep, 21 dollars) Got to my seat, sat, got comfy, just counted 8 maybe 9 people in the whole room!.. Started watching 20 mins. or so of commercials and coming attractions (which  were kinda funny) then the movie came on, 15 mins. later than announced, which is nice then you don't really worry about coming in to late and possibly missing some of it!.. It starts out on a day like any other, but quickly turns, and then there are some highs and some lows, but in the middle it allll comes together!.
  Well, this is my review of this movie, I hope you found it helpful, if not, then I'll try to do worse!.

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