Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Melbourne Fla.

Alot has been happening in my apt.complex the last month!About 4 weeks ago I geuss it started with a fire rescue  truck,taking someone to the hosp.Then about a week ago,about 3 police cars came in at 10:30 or so at night,they only stayed for about an hour and a half.Then last night,4 police cars and a van showed,pics.were being taken,they all stayed for afew hours,going from one end of the the other,I ended up going to bed at 1 so I couldn't say for sure if they left or not.Afew hours after I woke up this morning though however,5 police cars came in,guns were drawn,even one guy had an ar 15 or somtin like it but luckily no bullits flew!One guy got led away in handcuffs!
Melbourne deffinatlly an exciting place,it's also a dangerouse place.

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