Monday, January 1, 2024

Blog Post: Jan. 1, (when things do not necessarily go how we would like them to)

 Happy New Year, everyone!. January 1, 2024, a time to make resolutions, or promises, when we say, "This yr. I'm gonna start that diet" or "I'm gonna be the BEST me I can be" and my favorite, "No more negativity"!.😆😆 What happens though when that ole wrench gets thrown into the plan?! I've come to realize that eventually our resolutions and promises don't workout!. Use the word, 'try' more, "I'm gonna 'TRY' to diet this yr" "I'm gonna 'TRY' to be the best I can be" that way when our resolutions don't work out, we won't be so hard on ourselves.. For instance, mine was a really easy one I knew I could do, "I'm not gonna murder anyone for a whole yr"!...Ehhh... Now that I think about it maybe I should've said, "I'm gonna 'TRY' not to murder anyone for a whole yr"! (I still got time to change it, right!?!...It's still New Yrs. Day)

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