Saturday, October 29, 2022

Blog Post: Almost Halloween

 Well, in a few more days it'll be Halloween!. People buying Halloween decorations, making up there front yards!. I went out and bought some candy, it's almost gone, no worries though, for the last 3 Halloweens I've been turning off the light anyway.. I just never really was one to participate in any kind of event, maybe the occasional Birthday party for my Nephew, or little Halloween/Xmas/New yrs. Eve./Anniversary or just some get together.. I did get some masks that I got hanging up on my wall, then after Halloween is over, I might get alittle 10" Xmas tree.. Last yr. for Halloween, I had a room in my apartment called, 'The Dungeon' it was nice, got all kinds of Medieval swords, axes, stuff from that time!. I may have it this yr. So far we've been pretty lucky with the weather here!. Upper 60's during the day and 40's at night!. There's been this major drought going on here since late March, everything has a nice shade of brown, the grass/ the trees, there's this nice evergreen, Xmas Tree on the 'Courthouse Lawn' that they hung lights and ornaments on for the last 3 Xmases, but this yr. it's a nice brown evergreen 'Stump'!..

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