Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Blog post: Aug.25

 I would like to tell you some things about who I am and my life.. I have a Son for starters, (sorta made me do a 'double take') then she said, "she adopted him", oh ok, now this kinda makes a little bit more sense!. Anyway, the last time I seen him he was 5 and now he would be 25.. (I suppose I kinda forgot about her adopting, with me being who I am and all 😋😁)  I don't exactly know how he would take having a, let's just say, 'A Special Dad' for a Father!.. I met her in 1990 and I'm not gonna lie, when I first met her and introduced myself, she seemed very opened minded, free thinker, really easy to talk to!.. So I just kinda decided to tell her a few things about myself, like what kind of bed I have, how I'm a 'Nightowl' (oh in case you're wondering we decided to have a little late night picnic in the park under a full moon) as I was saying, what kind of bed and how I like to stay up late, and after a little while of looking at me like I had lobsters coming out of my ears, much to my surprise she didn't run for the hills which is kind of what I was expecting!.. Now, being all these years later, we were talking about things happening now, one of those things was how our Son is gonna take the news.. Veronica and I knew why we had to part ways but we didn't know if our Son William knew, cause if I left when he was like 10 or 11 then he would've started getting some idea, like, "Why his eyes change color like that"or "Why his skin so pale" or "Come to think of it,I never really seen him actually eat any food".. So we all sat down at the table and the first he did was pull out a pic. of me (yes despite movies and Hollywood we can have pics. taken) he looked at me, well, like his Mom looked at me with the lobsters coming out of my ears!. He said, "You still look the same, how is that"!?. (ya'll getting some kind of idea now!?) First thing I said to him was when I was born: 1431 and ever since that moment, it was just nonstop talk, mostly from him, he had so many questions, I took him down in the basement showed him my coffin, among other stuff like how my eyes can change colors, ask his Mom if she was a (I'm sure you've all guessed it by now) Vampire, she said, "No" asked if he was one, again, "No"! Ever since that moment that I mentioned, I was born in 1431, I expected him to, 'run for the hills' but nope and I thought, "Sure enough he is his Mom's Son!.

                                                                            I hope everyone liked my short story....

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Blog post: August 4

I went camping for a few days!. Left Sunday about 11-ish and stayed till...... well......just a few hrs. ago.. It was nice,much better than the last few times I stayed there!. For starters, there were people down where I kinda wanted to be, so the cab  driver took me to a place he thought I'd like so I said, "ok".. It was a nice spot, big parking area, boat ramp, but about 3 or 4 fire pits so I just set my tent up there, I didn't mind the people that came and stayed for half hr. fishing or just sat down there.. That first day there must've been maybe 15-20 people that came down, some just came down turned around and went back out.. One person came down stopped, got out and we talked for about 20 min. maybe half 'n' hr.. The first night didn't go to well, I mean the back really didn't hurt as much as it did on the previous trips.. (but when I did wake-up it was kinda sore) The ground was kinda hard, getting the tent stakes in, most were just left sticking half out!. I was so excited about going camping this time, that I forgot reading/listening material !. For lunch and supper I'd call a taxi and go to the drive-thru at McDonalds and get a burger (I was gonna make hot dogs and hamburgers but I figured, "Nah, I'll just have hamburgers"😋) The second night I was there was better than the first night, some people came in, had a kayak and some fishing poles, a woman and her 4 kids (about 5 I guess) made a fire in the pit by the ramp then about 7 I seen'm putting up a tent, I thought, Hey, I got neighbors"!. The mosquitos were nill (do to the coolish nights) the raccoons were a different story!. That first night anyway, saw 3 pretty good size ones!. Second night saw a few deer crossing the road, so all in all I had a pretty good camp out!. (and I actually stayed)

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...