Wednesday, June 22, 2016

blog post

(6/21/2016)86 degrees here,well I suppose that's better than 90,but then again it's 12:oo in the afternoon!...I have one of those remote thermometer,the kind that you can buy from a 'Bass Pro Shop'or 'Dick's Sporting Goods'or I'm sure just about any sporting goods store...Just a few days ago the cable company shut off our cable package so we had no phone,internet or t.v. but that's fine cause we are going with another company!...(6/22/2016)Well today we got our internet and the telephone hooked up!...(whewwww)It's nice to breath again,a few days ago we got cable!...Now we have to give our close friends and Fam.the new #,luckily it's not that many people...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

blog post

 Today we all went fishing,we went to a place called,"Castaways Point Park"...Very nice,historical park,long boardwalk,picnic tables and benches and info.along the walk...Just a nice place to spend the day!!...
 Today is my Mom's Birthday!!...First we all took a ride and sat down by the water,not the same place as yesterday,this was another place.Just off the Ave.where all the shops are,you can sit by the water,where the river meets the fresh water of "Crane Creek"...We saw otters/schools of catfish and lots of pigions!...(It was the'Crane Creek Promonade')...We stayed for about an hour then went back to the house,I guess about 5:30 we ordered Chinese,a friend of ours came over...We all had a pretty good day!..

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...