Saturday, February 21, 2015

blog post

Woke up around 8am and it was about 43,and the high reach up to 55 and they call for 33 tonight and 58 tomorrow,which is alittle on the chilly side for Florida!..(it got down to 31,and the high reached up to 58)....Hey,this is Florida!..Spend enough time down here,and eventually a cold snap will feel like '0' !....
Today is Saturday,starting out alittle overcast,had abit of a shower,nothing of any real measurements...Already in the upper 60's at 10:00 so I walked to the park,finished a key chain I was working on...About a week ago I made a necklace with black'n'red beads,and an arrowhead....
 I make alot of stuff,I try to do it though with a Native American theme,so if you're looking for a Dreamcatcher or bracelet or key chain or whatever....(just not to small)...I have a Facebook page set up just for this ,I have made some Dreamcatchers that I sent out to central Fla.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

blog post

Well,it's Thursday Feb.5 2015.I'm sitting in my recliner watching the rain,no thunder no lightning,just rain!...(watching the rain fall and the tomato plants grow)Yesterday my two Nephews showed up,before that though,I had the Cable Guy come out to do a few things to my tv,Never expected the two of'em to arrive so early,I had  a 12-2 appointment and they got here like about 10:30!!....(just so there's no confusion this was morning)
The 10th....A few weeks ago I took a walk down here to the park,there I was sitting on the bench and I noticed the leaves falling...(yes some trees actually turn colors down here)I'm sitting on the bench,watching leaves fall,I mean here it is early Feb.and leaves are just starting to fall!!....Kinda shows you how crazy the weather is here!!...(leaves are falling during late winter / just before spring,grass and the leaves are still green at halloween and thanksgiving) I always said  "Fla.has 2 Springs and a Fall"!!

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...