Monday, December 18, 2023

Blog post: Christmas

 Let's look at Christmas, shall we?. Do we know for sure where it came from?. Over the yrs. I've heard and read, these so called facts, how Jesus Christ is the 'Reason for the 'Season', I've read he died on the 25th of Dec. or came back to life.. I even read where he died on 'Easter'.. Christmas originated with the 'Pagans', the Roman Pagan Festival 'Saturnalia' celebrated in mid. Dec... St. Nicholas, of 'Bari' who was an early Christian Bishop of the Greek City of 'Myra' modern day 'Turkey' gave gifts secretly, which is also where Santa Claus (Sinterklaas) originated.. He performed many miracles, one of which includes, 'resurrection'.. So we'll probably never know the, 'Actual' history of Christmas, but one thing is for sure, children from all over seem to 'Really' really like it!.

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...