Monday, July 18, 2022

Blog Post: July 18, 2022

 A little more than 3 years ago, my Nephew and I had to get out of the house we were in.. So we went to the 'Days Inn' stayed a few nights, a friend of ours took us out for a nice supper, then the next day, a friend of mine gave me a ride to Orlando Airport where my bro. invited me to stay with him in North Caroline for a while, while my Nephew stayed another night in the hotel then stayed with a friend of ours.. I had a nice stay in N.C. My friend took me around to see the sights/attractions, I stayed there for about a month (maybe not quite) then my bro. took me to Ashville where I flew to Joplin and got a place in Kansas.. I always said that I really like it out west, and I wanted to be out west.. The earliest that I can remember going out to Kansas to visit my Aunt and Uncle my Mom and Dad took me, I think I was like 11, I said that I could live out here, that I loved it out here.. I lived in Oklahoma for a while, Missouri.. When I hopped on that plane in Ashville, North Carolina, I was so happy, I was the only one jumping up 'n' down on the plane!. Then after about 6 months living in my apt. things stated to change for me, I really got to 'See' the 'Lay of the Land'.. I noticed how 'Dirty' certain things are here, some people are friendly others just don't give you the 'Time of day'.. I guess when you say things while in teens and even early 20's they take on a whole new meaning later on in life, when you're actually livin that life, then you realize it's not exactly what you wanted

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...