Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Well,today started off kinda on the hot 'n' muggy side.I decided to take a walk,but this time I went the other way.I went about the same distance though as if I walked up to the market going the other way.It's alittle hard walking because there are no side walks.(well there are but their not long.)You mostly either walk on the grass(which alot of people do,it is worn down in some places like a horse trail)or walk in a parking lot.Regarrdless of what other people do,I try not to get to close to the road!
I was really excited when one of my Facebook Friends bought one of my Native American Dreamcathers and it arrived at their house today!This is the first item I ever sold online!So far it's turning out to be a good day!

Blog post: Football and Baseball Greats

 Just recently I was scrolling on Facebook, and I seen this post on 'Pete Rose', which made me want to 'google' and download...